Process >>>aa( more detail about process, click )

Input Genes >>>
Differentially expressed genes (DEGs).aa( more detail about DEGs, click )

Method >>>
STEP 1: Submit input genes into below box (Max=300)
STEP 2: Each gene name must be seperated by tab, comma, white space or new line

Example gene sets>>>
#1: 109 up-regulated genes of resistant cultivar (LS-89) by R.solanacearun inoculation
#2: 10 down-regulated genes of resistant cultivar (LS-89) by R.solanacearun inoculation
#3: 100 upregulated genes of 10 days after breaker stage vs. mature green fruit
#4: 100 upragulated genes of 10 days after breaker stage vs. flower bud