Cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
one of the most widely cultivated cereal grain in the world and was ranked fourth among grains in quantity produced after maize, bread wheat, and rice in 2017 (FAOSTAT 2017).
It was domesticated over 10,000 years ago in Near East, and it's a major source of fodder for livestocks, fermentable material for alcoholic beverages, and various healthy organic foods. Staple food of human is not a principal consumption of barley, but still, it serves as the main carbohydrate source in some parts of the globe. Furthermore, in the scope of genetics, barley is a great model organism for studying resistance to biotic or abiotic stress of plants, since it can endure a great range of environmental stresses like drought, flood, cold or fungal infection, either single or combined (Gürel et al., 2016). The barley genome, therefore, is like a reservoir of numerous stress response alleles, which are precious subjects for genetic engineering in other plants.
BarleyNet is...
a co-functional gene network with a companion web server for network-assisted systems genetics analysis of cultivated barley. It is a Bayesian statistics-based combination of a wide range of biological data, including the genomic information of the latest IBSC_v2 genome and barley-specific gene expression profiles. BarleyNet has 1,272,200 co-functional links between 26,145 barley high-confidence genes. Co-functional links were inferred from various types of genomics, proteomics, and gene expression datasets derived from four plant species (cultivated barley, Arabidopsis, maize, and rice), five animal species (human, mouse, zebrafish, C. elegans, and fruit fly), and fungi yeast. All of the component co-functional networks and datasets used for network construction and training can be easily downloaded from the 'Download' tab.
BarleyNet can...
prioritize novel genes for biological trait of interest or infer functions of unannotated barley genes by combining prior knowledge from forward- or reverse-genetics studies of user with the information included in BarleyNet via three in silico gene/function prioritization algorithms implemented in BarleyNet web server.